How To Take Care Of Your Jewellery? – A Question Which Revolves In Our Mind Every time We Clad Our Jewels.
Let us take you through some of the basic tips to take care of your jewellery.
Jewellery is a precious possession, Which is very near to our heart as many memories are associated with it. It is very important to take proper care to retain the beauty of the jewels.
1) Avoid Contact With Cosmetics & Perfume – We Love Parties & getting all dresses up for special occasions, in this our over excited minds forget to take care of jewellery. You have to be very careful while getting ready, Always wear the jewellery at the end after getting done with make-up. Do not spray perfume after wearing the jewels. The chemicals present in cosmetics and perfume might react with the precious metals and ruin the lustre of it. The gems might lose the glow and become dull which can be hard to get back.
2) Handle The Jewellery With Utmost Care – Pearls & Gems are very delicate and can break with a little jerk, So while wearing jewellery you should sit down in a comfortable chair, keep a velvet / soft cloth on the table and then wear the jewellery so that it doesn’t fall down and if at all it falls the soft velvet will protect it from breakage.
Gold is a very soft metal, which can get scratches very easily & such visible scratches ruin the beauty of the jewellery, so while adorning gold jewels you should take care that it doesn’t get in contact of any rough surface and is protect from getting scratches.
3) Avoid Wearing Jewellery While Doing Household Chores – Jewellery is as delicate as a flower, if not taken proper care will wither out. Wearing jewellery while doing household work will make them dull and delicate diamonds & gems will loosen up and might drop off. Best practice is to remove all the delicate jewellery while doing household chores.
4) Cleaning The Jewellery – The first thing you should do after the party is to take out your jewellery and clean it with soft cotton cloth (malmal) to wipe out sweat & dirt, do not use any kind of chemical, soap or water. Let it sit on soft cloth for 15 to 20 minutes to dry.
5) Storage Of The Precious Jewels – As mentioned above the gold & diamond jewellery is very delicate and must be handled with care. The storage of jewellery is equally important, and must be done properly. After the jewellery is cleaned, place it in the jewellery box lined with velvet cloth. If you don’t have the jewellery box, take a plastic, wooden or aluminium box, line it with 1 inch thick cotton & then place the jewellery on this cotton bed. Cover the jewellery with cotton or mulmul cloth & close it with the lid.
P.S – Do not store the jewellery in the fur/swade/ velvet box given by the jeweller. These boxes might contain chemicals which can react with the studded jewellery & change their color over the years.
Stay Tuned To Get More Detailed Tips On Protecting The Jewellery.